Violins for Sale........March
Prima 100 violin outfit
(1/8th to full size), properly fitted up and supplied with good
quality strings .......................£155.00
Prima 200 violin outfit
(1/8th to full size), properly fitted up and supplied with good
quality strings .......................£200.00
Westbury violin outfit
(half to full size), properly fitted up and supplied with Dominant
or similar strings ...............£425.00
Westbury Antiqued outfit,
as Westbury but with antiqued varnish ..............................................................................£505.00
German full size violin,
c.1920, newly restored student quality violin, good tone ......................................................£575.00
Chinese full size hand
made violin, 2010, decorated rosewood fittings, excellent ..................................................£650.00
Dutch full size violin,
labelled Ernst A. Schmidt, 1922, just restored ........................................................................£1250.00
Chinese full size hand
made violin, 2012, limited edition instrument, excellent value ..............................................£975.00
German full size violin,
c.1930, copy of Stradivarius, first rate condition ...................................................................£995.00
German full size violin,
c.1880, Stradivarius modelling, rich tone .............................................................................£1450.00
Italian full size violin,
labelled as Gaetano Pareschi, 1947, well made, great condition .................................................Sold
English full size violin,
by Simon Stace, 1985, direct from maker ............................................................................£1575.00
French full size violin,
labelled J. B. Colin Duchene, 1880, fine workmanship, excellent
order ............................£1995.00
English full size violin,
by Edward Huscroft, 1930, newly restored and excellent ...................................................£2300.00
English full size violin,
by Carass Topham, 1981, one owner from new and in superb condition
English full size violin,
by Simon Stace, 1997, beautiful, refined instrument ..........................................................£2500.00
Tyrolese School full
size violin, c.1790, excellent condition with rich, warm tone ..................................................£4250.00
Engish full size violin,
stamped John Norris, c.1780, stunning, professional level instrument
English full size violin,
labelled Peter Wamsley, 1733, in fine order and with excellent tone
English full size violin,
by Simon Stace, 2013, Amati model, top class instrument ...............................................£6250.00
Full size Baroque style
violin, English, by Carass Topham, 1977, excellent craftsmanship
German full size violin,
labelled Arnold Voigt, c.1900, beautiful condition, rich, powerful
tone ..................................P.O.A.
Three quarter size Westbury
violin outfit, secondhand, virtually as new ....................................................................£330.00
Quarter size Westbury
violin outfit, 2007, with German bow, newly refurbished .......................................................£295.00
1/16th size (!) Mayflower
violin outfit, properly set up and as new ................................................................................£60.00
A range of smaller size
violins is available, from 1/16th to 7/8th size, mostly priced between
£80.00 to £1000.00. If you have a particular requirement,
please call to see if what you need is available. There are also
violins in the workshop awaiting preparation. What you would like
may be there!
Dubber Violins......01993
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